How To Complete the Recruitment & Selection Process?

The recruitment & selection process is one of the most important tasks assigned to the HR department of an organization. If you are an HR professional then you know that most of the organization’s success depends on recruiting the correct personnel for each department. Skilled workers and correct compensation packages can lead to happy employees in a motivating environment.

On the other hand, if the recruitment & selection process is not taken seriously, it can lead to organizational jeopardy. As a result, if the goals and objectives of the organization are not achieved, wealth maximization cannot become possible.

For this, with my experience of more than a decade in Human Resource Management, I will try to break the Recruitment & Selection process into some simple steps.


Steps to complete Recruitment & Selection Process

  1. Requisition of Manpower
  2. Job Advertisement Drafting
  3. Posting Job Advertisement
  4. Application Screening
  5. Scheduling Interview
  6. Logistics & Questions Manual
  7. Attendance Sheet Preparing
  8. Interview Rating Sheet Preparing
  9. Skill Test or others
  10. Negotiating Candidates
  11. Management Approval
  12. Opening Employee Personal File
  13. Issuing Offer Letter
  14. Joining Documents
  15. Medical Tests
  16. References/Background Checking
  17. Resignation acceptance letter
  18. Appointment Letter & Job Description (JD)
  19. Ensuring Logistics Supports
  20. ID Card & Business Cards Preparing
  21. General Information Input in the HRIS
  22. Drafting Joining Circular
  23. Completing Biometric (Face/Finger/ID)
  24. Welcoming & Issuing Appointment Letter, JD, ID Card, Handbook, etc, Training, Orientation, induction
  25. Completing HRIS works related to Attendance, Leave, Payroll, etc.
  26. Bank Account Opening for Salary & Benefits (Payroll Team)

For your ease of access, I will describe each and every step in detail. As there are total of 26 steps, I will be parting them into two blogs so that you can easily understand.

PART – A: Recruitment & Selection Process

Following thirteen steps are the first part of the Recruitment & Selection Process

Requisition of Manpower

The requisition of manpower comes from a department with the approval of the respected department head. Here the recruitment and selection process begins.

The requisition must consist of detail regarding the manpower necessary for the department. Like – which position requires the manpower, how many people does the department want and for which purpose the person is needed.

After getting the requirement, the HR department and management should analyze if it is feasible to recruit the manpower for the time being or not.

If everything is satisfactory and the HR department and Management decide on the matter that it should be approved, then we shall proceed to the next step.

Job Advertisement Drafting

Job advertisement drafting is the second step of the recruitment & selection process. You should include the following information in the advertisement-

  • Job Title
  • Job Placement/Location
  • Job Nature – Full time or Part-time
  • Job Responsibilities include all the details necessary to understand what the company wants from the recruit
  • Job Requirements Like Education, Experience, Personal & Physical Requirments
  • Company Details
  • Compensation Package
  • Detail of application procedures

After drafting the advertisement, this should be conveyed to the respected department and management for their feedback. If they have feedback, then you should adjust the details and then proceed to the next step with approval.

Posting Job Advertisement

At this point, you should decide on the media where you should post the job advertisement –

  • You can post the advertisement as an internal circular if you think that is a better option
  • You can use local or national newspaper
  • Various websites for job recruitment
  • Social media of the organization

You should use all the necessary channels available at your hand where you may find the perfect recruit.

Application Screening

If the job advertisement is posted correctly, then you may find applications are incoming to your ad’s response. Whether they are hard copy or digital copy, you should categorize and shortlist the candidates according to your demand and their stated details.

You should keep –

  • A shortlist
  • A waiting list
  • A second waiting list

The applications should be categorized according to the three sections and you should proceed to the next step after that.

Scheduling Interview

When you are done with screening the applications you have received against the advertisement, then you should decide on the process/es of the interview and schedule accordingly.

The shortlisted candidates should be contacted likewise and called for the interview.

The interview timing should be enough flexible so that candidates may secure time to attend.

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Logistics & Questions Manual

At this step, you should gather the logistic support necessary for recruitment. Like the placement of the interview, should it be written or manual, etc

There are different kinds of interviews available. Some of them are –

Individual Interview

Often known as a face-to-face interview, the interview is taken by one person and only one interviewee faces it at a time.

Panel Interview

This type of interview is also called a committee interview. A panel is set up to take the interview. You should select the members who will take part in the interview and prepare beforehand.

This is the interview which is the most popular type of interview right at the moment.


A Critical Behavioral Interview or just a behavioral interview is a process to understand an individual’s possible reaction to a case and predict the future from the answers. This is a new approach but best to judge individual pressure and stress-taking abilities along with experience.

Stress Interview

This kind of interview aims to find out an individual’s reaction to stress and ability to find solutions while under pressure. Most of the big organizations where stress may hit at any moment, use this technique to find the right person for them.

Informational Interview

This is a knowledge-sharing interview where one or more interviewers discuss various cases and ask for information from an individual. This is one of the most popular kinds of interviews.

Phone or Video Conferencing

These interviews can take place between an interviewee and interviewers who are usually far apart but has the ability to work in a virtual environment if necessary. Right now, these interviews are very popular.

  1. Attendance Sheet Preparing

You should take attendance of the interviewee. The attendance should include-

  • Name of the interviewee
  • Name of the interviewer
  • In time
  • Out time
  • Signature of the interviewee
  • Any remarks if necessary

Interview Rating Sheet Preparing

The interview rating sheet is the sheet where the data is collected from the interviews taken of the candidates. This can be manual or digital.

Even if the sheet is manual, you need to digitalize it with software like excel or spreadsheet to arrange the data in ascending or descending order.

In this way, you can easily rank the best to the lowest performer.

Skill Test or others

This is the stage where you need to take a skill test or any other means necessary to find the most skilled candidates who are perfect for the job.

It can be software or hardware skills, factory-related skills, leadership skills, etc.

Each of the skillsets has its own values for a certain position within the organization.

You should prepare questionnaire or skill tests accordingly.

Negotiating Candidates

After a candidate’s interview is taken he or she should be negotiated on certain matters. Like –

  • Timing of the job
  • Nature of the job
  • Salary and benefits package
  • Company workload…etc

These are the first 10 steps for the recruitment & selection process. You will find the next steps in the second part of the blog. (Add Link)

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