What Is the full process of employee training & development in learning?

Training and development is one of the most important parts of the whole Human Resource Management System. If you see the recruitment as the input for new employees and a skilled and understanding employee as output, then the training and development process is the main part of the system.

training & development is a very important part of organizational development

Training and Development in HRM

Training and development process is the set of actions that are intended for the overall or specific improvement of an employee or a set of employees. The set of actions are taken into consideration for the employee or set of employees for improvement influencing the overall achievement of the organization. It can be for wealth maximization through human resource development.

If an organization is lacking in a specific sector, then the decision for improvement always needs training and development without delay.

Such importance can improve an organization drastically, more efficient people are produced to handle a specific task rather than a set of employees who can not do it effectively and efficiently.

Training and Development Process in HRM

Training and development process requires five simple steps to occur. You can have a look at the list and understand where it starts –

Need for training & development > Goals and Objectives > Methods > Implementation > Evaluation and Monitoring-

1. Need for training & development

You need to first understand the need for training & development inside the organization. There is even the possibility that you may not find any need for training & development. If you can specify the need for training & development, then only you should proceed to the next step. The need can be –

  1. Need for implementing organizational norms and culture
  2. Need for developing employee coordination
  3. Need for developing a specific skill
  4. Need for better performance

Any kind of upgrade or new employee introduction needs training & development without a doubt. That’s why it is a continuous process.

2. Goals & Objectives

When you can understand the need for any kind of training & development for your organization, then only you can set the goals & objectives of the training.

The goals and objectives for training & development can be of many types. Mostly they circle around –

3. Skill development

Most of the training & development programmers are implemented for skill development. Like – introducing machinery, any kind of new technology, creating effectiveness and efficiency among the workers and many more.

4. Introducing organizational culture

This is very important for the new employees. Therefore, big organizations often hold training & development programs for introducing organizational culture to new employees. Otherwise, they may not meet the behavioral boundaries expected from them by the employer.

5. Organizational Ethics & Implementation

Training & development is very important to introduce the organizational ethics to the new recruits and get their help to implement properly. The ethics and implementation of it is one of the most important parts of organizational norms for the employees.

6. Special Skills

Sometimes training & development is implemented to promote critical reasoning, decision making and disaster management. These kinds of special skills are mainly for the new managers as well as other parts of decision making bodies.

7. Methods

At this stage of training & development, you should decide which method/s to be followed for ensuring the goals and objectives are obtained. Different goals and objectives require different types of training. Like –

Orientation & Lectures

The training & development method is followed mostly for the new employees. They should learn the new organization’s norms and cultures from the orientation & lectures. The two methods are mainly one-way communication for conveying different kinds of information from the management to the employees.

Audiovisual training & team-building exercises

You can use direct audiovisual training including computer-use and create better skill-developed employees. If they are given interactive sessions, then they can learn to cope up with the organization’s norms and cultures even under pressure.


If there is potential within an individual about a job and he or she can probably become a skilled employee for the sector, then an internship can help him or her. It is a paid or unpaid working period under the supervision of a skilled worker.

Case Study

Different kinds of case study can enhance employee ideas of the industry and problem solving capability. You can use the method for developing a set of new employees who can cope up with any situation.

4. Implementation

At this stage, you should design the training module and implement it accordingly. It can be of –

  • One or multiple speakers
  • One-way or interactive session
  • Skill-based
  • Online or offline seminar etc

Whatever the media is, you should keep close records of the training session for further assessment of it.

5. Evaluation and Monitoring

Training & development always need evaluation. Assessing the ongoing training and development sessions and their effects can help you to understand what you need for the better sessions.

Besides, constant monitoring can tell you where the gaps are and fill them up regularly.

Why training and development is important in HRM?

Training and development is important in HRM for serving many purposes. Although different types of training may have different goals and objectives, the main focus is always organizational development. Let’s see what we can achieve with training and development inside an organization –

  • Resource Utilization

Human resources are the most important resources for any organization. Training and development teaches resource utilization for maximizing organizational wealth in the long term. Otherwise, you cannot cope up with modern time and competitiveness.

  • Wastage Management

You can produce less wastage with the help of training and development. This is a very important part that can be taught with the help of training and development.

  • Profit Maximization

Human resources can help to maximize profit if they are skilled, effective and efficient. Less time, more production can only happen if they are taught properly. That is why, with training and development, you can maximize profit for your organization.

  • Competitiveness

Training and development certainly brings out competitiveness among employees. If it is healthy, then it can easily increase the productivity of the organization without any delay.

  1. Reduce Employee Turnover

Turnover is a very important problem for modern day organizations. Good training and development programs can motivate employees so that less turnover rates may happen inside an organization.

  • Develops positive attitude

Last, but not the least, training and development develops a positive attitude inside an employee as this is the main role of it.

What is the training and development process in HRM?

Training and development process in HRM is the set of actions taken by an organization, mainly the HRM department and the employers for improving the organization. It helps to develop the employees at a certain level to reach at their best and contribute in accordance with organizational goals and objectives.

What are the 5 processes in training and development in human resource management?

Following are the 5 processes in training and development in human resources management –
* Finding the need for training & development
* Goals & objectives
* Determining the Methods
* Implementing the training
* Evaluation & Monitoring

What are the 4 steps in the training and development process?

Following are the 4 steps in training and development process –
1. Assess the need
2. Determining Goals and Objectives
3. Find out the right resources for training and development
4. Evaluation of the project, revise and repeat.

What are the benefits of OJT?

OJT means On-Job-Training. On-Job-Training is the process of training an employee while he or she is already working in the probationary method. This is a very important way of teaching the parts of the job and organizational responsibilities to a new employee.
Benefits –
1. Real experience with real works
2. Faster training with better scenario
3. Evaluation of capability
4. Keep the right employee
5. Fast knowledge and norms collection


Training & development is one of the most important parts of an organization. As an HRM professional, you must approach it with the best interest in mind.

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