How to Monitor & Conduct Probation and Confirmation process?

In HR, Probation and Confirmation plays a vital role for new recruits. The employees can become assets for the company in the long run or can be proven placed at the wrong position.

To ensure the latter does not happen, you must always be careful to maintain the probation and confirmation process as smooth as possible. As an HR professional for more than 10 years, I am sharing my personal experience with you on these two matters – Probation and Confirmation.

Monitor & Conduct Probation & Confirmation process

Probation Period

The probation period is the first month after the new recruitment of a person. Depending on the organization’s culture, it can be three months, six months, and even eight months.

In this period, the new recruit gets to know the organization, the culture, norms, and possible lifestyle he or she can get if he or she stays. Besides, the possibilities to make advancement in the career becomes clear within this time.

Vice-versa, the company also gets to know the employee. They can monitor the person if he is right for the job and should be kept or redistributed to anywhere else.

If his or her performance is satisfactory within the corporation, then the HR department evaluates and provides confirmation.


Confirmation happens when an employee of an organization successfully completes the duration of probation period.

If an employee performs well within the probationary period or contract period and meets the organization’s demand, then this happens.

The company offers him or her a document stating the contract terms and conditions with the organization. If he or she accepts, then both parties sign the contract and the recruit becomes an official part of the organization.

Probation Policy Regarding Monitoring the New Employee

The probation Policy is the document that states how to evaluate the new recruit in the company for a specific position. If you are part of an HR team, then you should learn how to monitor the new recruit according to the Probation Policy.

I will be showing some points that should be included in the Probation Policy for new recruits.

Depending on the organization’s culture and norms, the policies may vary.

But the core always stays the same. To find out if the employee meets the KPI and can match the company expectations for the position.

Your Duties Regarding Employee Probationary Policy

First, as part of the HR team, you have some responsibilities toward the new recruit. You should:

  • Let the new employee know in detail His/Her job description (JD)
  • Introduce the company, culture, norms, and anything important
  • Prepare training and development program if necessary
  • Describe in detail how He/She will be evaluated and monitored during the probation period
  • Take feedback and questions

Points to be monitored during Probationary Period

Quality and Quantity of Work and KPI

KPI or Key Performance Indicators is the process by which a new recruit can be evaluated. You must let the recruit know beforehand about the KPIs he/she is supposed to perform.

During the probation period, you should monitor the quantity of work he/she performs within a given deadline and the quality of the work performed. Along with KPI, this is the first part of the probation period which should be monitored and evaluated.

Learning and Development Capacity

A new recruit, whether he/she is a fresher or not, has many opportunities to learn and develop in a new organization. As two organizations can never be the same.

You must roll the new recruit through the learning process from teh first day and monitor how much he/she can develop within the training period.

Duties and Responsibilities

You can monitor an employee how well he or she is with duties and responsibilities. The ability to execute duties as per instructions along with good responsibilities and eagerness to take new ones can be a powerful tool for a new recruit.

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Relations with Supervisor

As an HR, you are the main key person for new recruits to share their thoughts. A new recruit should match the supervisor in decisions, comments, and performing duties. You should monitor their relationship development with the supervisors. If the development is positive, it is a good sign for him and the organization.

Relationship Development with Co-workers

Another very important part to monitor for a new employee to know their development of relationship with his/her coworkers of similar ranks. It is very important and you should also take information from others to learn in detail.

Attendance and Sense of Sincerity

An employee must maintain company rules and regulations regarding attendance, time and reliability. Without a sense of sincerity, you cannot expect an employee to serve the company in the long run. Evaluate every month on this point if the employee is on the right track.

Creative Enthusiasm

Always keep on checking if the employee is good at executing the assignment correctly and effectively. If the employee does not show personal enthusiasm and creativity, then the value will not be created within the organization.

Positive Attitude

You must find out if the employee is positive towards his/her work. A motivated employee can create a good career path himself. If he or she is positive towards the directions, assignments and allover company rules, then he or she is the perfect example for others.


Always take feedback from the new employees. If they are satisfied or not, or if they need any more training or not, all should be reported to you. The feedback are very important for the confirmation process of a new employee.

Regular Meetings and Evaluations

You should conduct meetings every month or whenever necessary with a good frequency with the new recruits. Evaluations should be done every month to see if their development is on the right track.

What Happens After The Probation Period?

Probation period evaluation is very important. You should evaluate a new recruit every month. Depending on the evaluation, three scenarios may occur after the probation period. We will discuss in detail about them:

I. End of Employment

A recruit can be dismissed within the probation period without showing any kind of reason from the company.

Depending on poor performance or execution of job responsibilities, an employee can be let go with short notice.

For this, you must hold an evaluation meeting.

Let the employee know beforehand and include the following points in the meeting:

  • Explain in detail where the performance gaps happened
  • Give the employee a review of the evaluation
  • Discuss the problems that have occurred during the probationary period
  • Give chances to provide you with feedback
  • Show other opportunities or positions you may think fit for him. her

II. Extension of Probation Period

Depending on the organization’s culture or employee performance during the probation period, an employee’s probation period can be extended. If this happens you must remember the following points:

  • Conduct an evaluation meeting
  • Explain in detail what is the purpose of the meeting
  • Discuss in detail about the KPIs and Job Responsibilities performed by the employees
  • Share the evaluation that took place for the decision
  • Offer to share thoughts and open dialogue
  • If you think other options for different positions are available, then show the possibilities
  • Provide the extension notice
  • Conduct evaluation during the extended period

III. Conducting Confirmation of the Employee

Confirmation can be done after the successful finishing of the probation period of an employee. The confirmation process can be described with a flowchart:

> Employee recruitment and induction

> Job Description and company norms and expectations describe in detail

> Monitor performance and major points of the probation period

> End of probation

> Evaluation and analysis by supervisor, HOD, HR, and co-workers

> Conduct Evaluation Meeting

> Discuss in detail about the terms and conditions, PROs, and CONs of the job

> Discuss company expectations in the future regarding the permanency of the job

> Give decision-making time

> Confirm the Recruit’s Position

> Sign the documents necessary to welcome the employee as a permanent part of the company

The flowchart is a simple description of what happens if the employee is selected to be recruited permanently for the position. If the company decides, he/she may even get a promotion while the evaluation is done.

Frequently asked questions

What is a probation confirmation letter?

A probation confirmation letter is a valid document for an employee who has finished the probation period successfully in an organization. The HR department creates a document with all the terms and conditions the employee needs to abide by while working in the company. If it is signed, then it becomes a contract document between the employee and the organization for the time being.

What is the rule of the probation period?

During a probation period, an employee should perform as per the expectations of the company. If the performance meets the demand of the position, he/she gets a confirmation letter to be a permanent part of the company.

Otherwise, if the performance is not satisfactory, then the probation period can be extended or lead to total dismissal of the employee. And the practice is not considered impossible or illegal.

How can I get my confirmation letter after the probation period?

If your performance is satisfactory during the probation period, then the HR department conducts a meeting and lets you know the details. If you agree to the company’s terms and conditions regarding the positions, then you can accept the letter and sign a contract with the company.

Why you should be confirmed in employment?

If a new recruit in the probation period can exceed the expectations of the company at the following points, he.she may get confirmed in employment –

I. Performs the works well

II. Executes the duties and assignments as per direction

III. Maintain good relationships with co-workers and supervisor

IV. Follows company culture

V. If His/Her KPI looks good

VI. Maintains a positive attitude

VII. Shows sincerity towards company rules and regulations and maintains it within the organization

Then the evaluation may become positive and he/she is offered a permanent position in the company.


A good recruit performs well at the probation period. If he/she is set correctly, then can become a perfect asset for the company through confirmation.

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